children waiting for the day they feel good
i took a couple days off at the beginning of the week. from work, from life, i just kind of tuned out. yesterday was spent catching up with the world. in retrospect, i should have just stayed in and watched another movie.
without tv or a daily paper to bring the news, yesterday was the first time i heard of what happened at virginia tech. i don't know what i think. the whole thing sucks.
who can save a world that's already gone?
you may or may not have seen this already, but i think it's a nice b-side to what we've all processed over and over already.
but how about headlights' music video?? [thanks, brenty!] awesome, is what i say. this is what you miss when you turn down the volume and close your eyes for a few days. they're also giving away copies of their tour e.p. at
speaking of internet radio, the hype machine launched theirs yesterday. "it's like listening to the ipod shuffle that the zeitgeist carries around in his pocket." -downhill battle
our girl feist is making waves. she made an awesome music video, too. and the new york times did a think piece on her.
paste magazine band of the week? menomena.
and last but not least, the tolkeins finished that other book. and then salon reviewed it.
on top of all this madness, i walked into work yesterday to learn my boss had been fired, and my building is working the next 22 consecutive days, ten hours a day, no weekends off.
the only cure for which, at least that i know of... yeah, that's right... pop a cold one, fire one up, and get out your air guitar for the finale...
TUUTHMAN's MIX [pop-up player!]
live, love, rock... :)